In the ballroom, you stand on the front stage and inform everyone that you have come to a conclusion and announce how you decided the murder is.
You say “Hello everyone, now I know everyone might be on edge but I’ve come to the conclusion that Emily Westerwood killed the Duchess.”
Did you...
(if:$decree is 1)+(if:(history: where its name contains "Emily Westerdworth")'s length >= 1)[[Successfully arrest Emily Westerdworth]]
(if:$decree is 1)+(if:(history: where its name contains "Emily Westerdworth")'s length is 0)[[Arrest Emily]]
(if:$decree >= 2)[[Wrongfully arrest Emily ]]In the ballroom, you stand on the front stage and inform everyone that you have come to a conclusion and announce how you decided the murder is.
You say “Hello everyone, now I know everyone might be on edge but I’ve come to the conclusion that Micheal Ravenswood killed the Duchess.”
(if:$decree is 2)+(if:(history: where its name contains "Michael Ravenswood")'s length >= 1)[[Successfully arrested Micheal Ravenswood]]
(if:$decree is 2)+(if:(history: where its name contains "Michael Ravenswood")'s length is 0)[[Arrested Micheal]]
(if:$decree >2)[[Wrongfully arrest Micheal]]
(if:$decree <2)[[Wrongfully arrest Micheal]]In the ballroom, you stand on the front stage and inform everyone that you have come to a conclusion and announce how you decided the murder is.
You say “Hello everyone, now I know everyone might be on edge but I’ve come to the conclusion that Nathaniel Marksmen killed the Duchess.”
[[Wrongfully arrested Nathaniel]]After the party, you help the staff clean up then get back in your car and head home. As you drive home you wonder what the news will have to say based on the police report.
[[Police Report]]Emily yells she didn’t do it and will see you in court as she is taken away in handcuffs.
[[Court]]Micheal yells he didn’t do it and they will see you in court as he is taken away in handcuffs.
[[Court]]As the head maid returns, you ask “Ma’am, let's go ahead and try to keep everyone who's here on the property here and all the guests in the ballroom until the proper authorities arrive.” They call for one of the servers and ask
“Britney, can you come here please?”
“What can I help you with, madam?”
“Can you inform the rest of the staff that we want to round up all guests into the ballroom and inform the rest of the staff on the premise until the proper authorities arrive.”
“Right away madam.”
After Britney leaves the room, you ask the head maid where the killer might have been able to hide the possible murder weapon.
She responds with:
“There could be a variety of places it could be, but most likely in the big dumpster behind the kitchen if they're not trying to be too obvious.”
[[Search in the Trash]]As you enter the glamorous Ballroom decorated with silk red banners on the side to complement the own tan walls and pillars with a big glass chandelier in the center and a stage at the end of the room with a classical band playing. As you pass by a group huddled in the back right corner, you start to get an eerie feeling. Meanwhile, you hear classical music playing and it seems like everyone is enjoying themselves. You spot a fancy hor d’oeuvres table. Soon after you spot an old colleague of yours sitting alone along one of the banners in the room.
Do you go over to your colleuge and offer to dance?
Or do you make your way to oderv table?
Or do you hang back and scope out the Ballroom?
[[Food Table]]
[[Hang Back]]You enter the basement, and the head maid decided to stay behind since they despise going into the basement. As you enter, you walk down the creaky old wooden stairs into the black room where you notice the light is broken. Upon closer inspection, you find a washer, dryer and furnace; however, you miss a mysterious feminine figure hiding in the ceiling and as you go to check the last corner, they drop down onto you, knocking you out, and proceed to kill you with the same object they killed the Duchess with.You end up in the bathroom vomiting. After you manage to hold food down again you hear a women scream in betwe. As a Pi your first instinct is to investagate but you here for a much needed vacation. However, it will take the athourites atleast 10 miuntes to arrive and then the murder might have escaped.
Do you investagate?
[[No]]As you pull back her now crystalized blood red hair to further investigate her wound, you notice most of the blood is coming out of the back of her head, however theres to much to determine what was the root cause. You think it might be a cut of bludgeoning that may have killed the Duchess.
You decied your next best course of action is to talk to the staff.
[[Ask Staff]]Due the lack of evidence your suscpet gets found innocent eventhough you know there gulity. Henceforth you wait to see what the news has to say later on based on the police report.
[[Police Report]]You choose to dance with your former college Emily Westernworth, who used to solve cases in your area until she quit being a PI and hired on as a security member at the manor after the mountaineering trip they went on with the Duchess. You notice she’s wearing a flowing long Burgundy ballgown that matches her arm length gloves and high heels. You also notice that she wearing a full face of makeup that exemplifies her hazel eyes and pristine brunette hair. As you walk up to Emily, you say:
“Emily, you look well”
“Hi Riley, I see the Duchess invited you to our celebration”
“Yes she did, care to dance?” you say as you offer her your hand and Emily accepts.
As you two make your way to the center of the room, you put your hand on your hip and hold her hand with your right hand. She puts her arms on your shoulders as you start dancing.
“So, what have you been up to these past couple of years Riley?”
“Oh, you know the usual solving crime, investigating illegal activity, missing you.”
“I can’t come back, you know this. I owe the Duchess my life after she saved my life during the mountaineering trip.”
"You know I don't think I ever seen you heels let alone a dress or ware makeup."
"The Duchess made it mandatory for me look glamorous. Ergo she had made me learn how to walk in high heels and had her glame team work on me for 3 hours before the ball. That's why If I look uncomortable or out of my element its because I am."
As you dance you blur out your surroundings and look like the most angelic couple on the dance floor. Shortly after you hear a woman scream. Your first instinct is to investigate, but you're here for a much needed vacation. However, it will take the authorities at least 10 minutes to arrive, and then the murder might have escaped.
Do you investigate?
[[No]]You decied to help them with there investagation and first you meet with the lead detective however many attendes decided to leave before the athouritites arrived.
[[Meet with lead decetive]]You decide to get back in your 1973 camaro and leave.
[[Police Report]]You wait for athouriets and after they question all the attendens and staff. Then they move onto investagating the body.
[[Do you help them]]
[[Do you leave]]After closer inspection you decied not to drink the punch and instead take some water from next to punch. Soon after you drink it as you look inwards toward the Ballroom not paying much attention to who exactly is doing what. Shortly after you hear a women scream. As a Pi your first instinct is to investagate but you here for a much needed vacation. However, it will take the athourites atleast 10 miuntes to arrive and then the murder might have escaped.
Do you investagate?
[[No]]You decied to throw caution to wind as you are in vacaction. However, you end up in the bathroom since your a lightweight and the punch had a heavy alcohol precentage.
[[Bathroom]]You enter the study in the center of the room, you see a big wooden desk made of dark oak that has been polished into perfection, with one of those big leather boss chairs situated behind it. On the desk you notice a globe and an old-fashioned pen and quill holder with a bookshelf lining the back half full of books and different mementos and achievements she gained throughout the years. However, you notice upon closer inspection that there’s a rectangle space in the dust on the middle shelf. You as:
“Ma’am, what normally goes here?”
The head maid that followed you says, “That’s normally where the display case with the Duchess's ice axes from their mountaineering trip that we celebrating the novel for tonight.”
[[Return to Bedroom ]]
[[Investage Further]]
(set: $decree = 1)After scoping out the ballroom, you decide to investigate your former colleague. The room looks like a copy of the guest room with a couple of their pictures on the dresser. You also notice a couple of opened letters where she complains about how the Duchesses make them do things they never have before when it comes to their formal experience, among other things. You also notice they seem to have a valid reason for wanting the Duchess dead. However you can't get out of the room before Emily returns.
[[Emily caught you ]]As you're exploring her room, Emily walks in and catches you. You end up being so embarrassed you can’t investigate the others.
[[Return to Ballroom]]You decide to go over to the hor d'overe table and find cold cuts, cheese, deviled eggs, and finger sanswhiches. You also find a bowl of spiked punch at the end of the table that had a rich red color to it covering the rest.
do you drink the punch?
[[Don't Drink]][[Police Report]]When you enter the grand library, you notice the same type of windows as the ballroom had on the left wall of the long hall, with countless bookshelves lining the right side. You also get a glimpse of what seems to be a study area on the second floor through the old-fashioned railing with a spiral staircase located in the center of the room. As you walk up the stairs to the study area, you notice a couple of couches with a desk back against the wall below a painting of a mountain. Upon closer inspection, you notice on the desk a couple of weird marks that outline something square. You ask the head maid that came with you about what is normally here.
“The Duchess has a typewriter here. In fact, this is where she wrote her novel”.
[[Return to Bedroom ]]
[[Investage Further]]
(set: $decree = 2)You enter the guest bedroom; the Duchess offers for people to take a break in during the ball. You notice it's almost Identical to the Duchess's, just smaller with less furniture and no personalized pictures.
[[Investage Further]] Despite your need to relax from your PI work, you can't help yourself but scope out the ballroom and see who is in attendance. You notice the Duchess's editor and the entire mountaineering crew. After some time passes, you hear a woman scream, your first instinct is to investigate, but you're here for a much-needed vacation. However, it will take the authorities at least 10 minutes to arrive, and then the murder might have escaped.
Do you investigate?
[[No]]As you pull back her now crystalized blood red hair to further investigate her wound, you notice an unnatural dent in the back of her skull that has what looks like a point in the back of it. Henceforth, you’re able to deduce she was killed by bludgeoning damage.
You decied your next best course of action is to talk to the staff.
[[Ask Staff]]As you pull back her now crystalized blood red hair to further investigate her wound, you notice a puncture in the back of the skull that’s small. It looks like it had a decent amount of force thrust into it with the killer having a slight problem trying to get whatever was used back out. Therefore, you're able to deduce she was killed due to stabbing.
You decied your next best course of action is to talk to the staff.
[[Ask Staff]]The head maid explains that beyond the main hall, the bathroom, and the ballroom, guests have been allowed in one of the guest bedrooms, the kitchen technically, the Duchess’s Study, the basement, and the Grand Library.
Do you go to the...
[[Guest Bedroom]]
[[Duchess's Study]]
[[Grand Library]]
[[Basement]]You enter the kitchen and notice a pristine kitchen with white walls, tile floors, and matching marble countertops that line the back wall and the center island. You notice fancy high-tech stoves in the center island. There is also a walk-in pantry and a rack hanging from the ceiling holding all the pots and pans you would ever need. However, upon close inspection, you notice one of the bigger saucers is missing and can’t be found anywhere.
[[Return to Bedroom ]]
[[Investage Further]]
(set: $decree = 3)As you enter the Master Bedroom, you notice red drapes hung over the windows with a full princess bed in the center of the room, with a bench at the end. You also see a mirror with a dresser on the side of the room, with a couple of pictures showing the Duchess’s experiences during the mountaineering trip. As you further enter the room, find the Duchess' body on the floor next to the door, facing the bed. You notice what seems to be a blow to the back of her head, with her profonde blonde hair dyed red from the blood.
After seeing this, you deduce that the death happened only one hour ago, when the event started. Sadly, you don’t know exact details of where everyone was since you were an hour late to the event. So you do the next best thing ask staff where everyone was allowed
[[Investage Further]]Since the athourities take so long you never find out who was responible for the death of the Duchess. However, you can tell the detecive is hiding something from you and you wait for the news to report on the police report.
[[Police Report]]As you're exploring her room, Micheal walks in and catches you. You end up being so embarrassed you can’t investigate the others.
[[Return to Ballroom]]After scoping out the ballroom, you decide to investigate Mr. Ravensworth's room. The room looks like a copy of the guest room with a couple of their pictures on the dresser. You also notice a couple of opened letters where they complain about how the Duchess pays so much attention to Emily, the security person, who considers Is new among other things. You also notice they seem to have a valid reason for wanting the Duchess dead, due to them being a big psycho. However, you can't get out before Micheal returns.
[[Micheal Caught You]]As you're exploring her room, Nathaniel walks in and catches you. You end up being so embarrassed you can’t investigate the others.
[[Return to Ballroom]]After scoping out the ballroom, you decide to investigate Mr. Markman’s room. The room looks like a copy of the guest room with a couple of their pictures on the dresser. You also notice a couple of opened letters where they complain about how the Duchess pays so much attention to Emily, the security person, who considers Is new among other things. You also notice they seem to have a valid reason for wanting the Duchess dead, due to the duchess not allowing them to cook in the kitchen. However, you can't get out before he come back.
[[Nathaniel Caught you]]As you arrive at the manor, you notice a valet at the entrance and a line of super cars lined up along the roadway, in which you recognize a few cars from past encounters both with the Kingsingtons and other cases. As you get inside and enter the main hall with its luxurious velvet carpet, priceless art lining the walls, with a grand master staircase at the end. Soon you are directed into the ballroom by the manor staff.
[[Ballroom]]You decide you need me time and leave it the authorities to take care of it. You decide that you have two options were you can ethier leave the party early or you can wait for the authorities.
[[Do you leave]]
[[Do you wait for the authorities]]A couple of months later, during the news reporting on the police report, you learn that the true culprit is still on the loose.You decided to push through your doubt and persevere. After doing so you decided to put your thoughts together on who you think the murder is but first you need everyone in on place so you need to round up the attendees.
[[Round Up Attendees ]]Once you return to the ballroom to try and see if any of the guests are being a little more nervous than the rest of the group. As you arrive, you notice everyone seems calm for them, demanding to be told why they're being kept in the specific room. After ten minutes, you notice three guests fidgeting with their fingers, trying to avoid eye contact, and blushing and or sweating more than the rest of the group. You know that one of them is your former colleague Emily Westerdworth and obtain the names of the other two from the servants, being Michael Ravenswood, the Duchess's publisher, and Nathaniel Marksmen, a former employee of the Duchess who left to start their own culinary business.
Who do you choose to investage?
[[Emily Westerdworth]]
[[Micheal Ravenswood]]
[[Nathaniel Marksmen ]]after returning to ballroom you decide to
[[Put Thoughts together]]
[[Give up]]After inspecting the areas where the guest had access, you decided to return to the scene of the crime to see if you can deduce what the murder weapon was based on the wound on the Duchess's head. On the way there, you think “what is taking the authorities so long.” As you arrive in the room, you see the Duchess’s body on the ground and you notice her hair has crystalized due to dried blood covering it.
(if:$decree is 1)[[Inspect for puncture wound]]
(if:$decree is 3)[[Closer inspect wound]]
(if:$decree is 2)[[Inspect for bashed markers]]Once you’ve put your thoughts together, you ask the head maid to round up everyone on the property in the ballroom.
Who do you accusse?
[[Accuse Emily Westerworth]]
[[Accuse Micheal Ravenswood ]]
[[Accuse Nathaniel Marksmen]]After you hear her answer, you decide to go search the trash can and after obtaining big gloves used for dishes and big boots that the servants use to fix the septic systems, you go and trounce around in the trash. In the trash you find random food scraps and wrappers from different products, they have been delivered. As you get to the bottom of the trash can, you find the murder weapon. However, after you return the equipment, you try to dust for prints but you notice there are none. As a result you decide to return to the ballroom.
[[Return]]It’s a dark and starry night in the Poniac Forest outside town as you wiz around the windy roads in your 1973 Chevrolet Camaro with a glossy red finish and white racing stripes down the middle. As you step on the gas in your event mandated suit, you hear the engine roar like a beast raring to pounce. As you come around the last few bands, you start to see glimpses of the aristocratic mansion named Kingston Manor. During which you can see through the grand windows on the bottom floor. You see people in fancy attire dancing in what seems to be a ballroom. A few weeks ago, you received an invitation from a long-time friend that you met after you solved her husband's “murder” where he faked his death. On the invitation was an invite to a ball the Duchess of Kingstonly was hosting in honor of the anniversary of the release of her book about her trip mountaineering. Also on the invite was the time and dress code established by the Duchess.
[[Next Page]]You successfully arrested your former colleague and avenged the Duchess.You successfully arrested the Duchesses publisher and avenged the Duchess.Emily yells she didn’t do it as she is taken away in handcuffs. After you get the party ends and you stick around a little bit.
[[After the Party]]Micheal yells he didn’t do it as he is taken away in handcuffs. After you get the party ends and you stick around a little bit.
[[After the Party]]Nathaniel yells he didn’t do it as he is taken away in handcuffs.
Out of the blue you not your character hear a random voice say " how dare you fiend. He just wanted to try a new culinary expertise."
Back in character after you get the party ends and you stick around a little bit.
[[After the Party]]You find yourself in the hallway and as you enter the hallway you find a severant running down the hall the hall in a panick. As you try to catch up with her.
"Ma'am, Ma'am!! are you alright" you say as you final catch up wth her.
"No the duchess has been murdered" the servent said.
"Where" you ask
"In the master bedroom"the servent says.
Hearing this you rush off to the master bedroom and leave the servant to conutine where they where heading
[[Master Bedroom]]